According to a report, Nokia is working on a 5G smartphone with a 108-megapixel penta rear camera setup. Additionally, the purported smartphone in question could be called Nokia X50, and may be launched in the third quarter of 2021. Furthermore, the specifications of the smartphone have also surfaced on the Internet. The phone may be powered by Qualcomm Snapdragon 775 SoC and may feature a display with 120Hz refresh rate. The phone may pack a large 6,000mAh battery.
As per a report by NokiaPowerUser, the alleged Nokia X50 could be a successor to Nokia 8.3 5G and the 5G smartphone is reported to be in the works for some time.
It is claimed to be powered by the yet-to-launched Qualcomm Snapdragon 775 SoC.
The other highlight of the purported Nokia X50 smartphone is the penta rear camera setup that is claimed to have a 108-megapixel primary sensor. The primary sensor will be supplemented by ultra-wide, depth, macro, and telephoto cameras, according to the report. In addition, like the Nokia 8.3 5G, this Nokia smartphone is expected to include Zeiss optics and OZO Audio technology.
When it comes to display, the alleged Nokia X50 may feature a 6.5-inch QHD+ display with PureDisplay V4. The report says that the display may come with a 120Hz refresh rate and the smartphone could pack a 6,000mAh battery. According to a separate report, Nokia's two smartphones have received TUV certification. One of them has a 6,000mAh battery and supports 22W fast charging.
Recently, a report suggested that Nokia X20 will not ship with a wall charger in order to reduce the ecological impact of the recently-launched smartphone. The report also mentioned that the back case of the smartphone is “100 percent compostable.”
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